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  • Euronews to cover Minsk’s preparations for the 2nd European games

    Euronews will provide coverage of Minsk's preparations for the 2nd European Games. The agreement was signed by Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC) CEO George Katulin and Euronews International Sales Director Kjell Stein in Minsk on 21 November.

    Accord­ing to the agree­ment, Euronews will pro­duce and broad­cast a range of video mate­ri­als about Belarus and the 2nd Euro­pean Games Min­sk 2019. Besides, Euronews’s Focus, Met­ro­pol­i­tans and Post­cards pro­grams will air reports about Belarus’ trav­el and tourism indus­try. The TV chan­nel will also broad­cast a series of reports on Min­sk’s prepa­ra­tions for the sport forum.

    «We are going to pro­mote games not only on our plat­form on TV and on the WEB-site, we are going to cre­ate an excit­ing con­tent. That con­tent will con­sist of numer­ous reports about Min­sk and sta­di­ums, we are going to have some reports called «On the road to…».», — the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Euronews said. «It’s a mix of tourist pro­mo­tion, high­light­ing great oppor­tu­ni­ties in Belarus and cov­er­age of Games. We have a great expe­ri­ence in cov­er­ing huge sport events, so I think we have enough prac­tice to make great cov­er­age of the 2nd Euro­pean Games.»

    All the con­tent mate­ri­als will be pro­duced in 10 lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Greek, Hun­gar­i­an, Ital­ian, Por­tuguese, Russian,Spanish and Turk­ish, and will be broad­cast on both TV and dig­i­tal plat­form.

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