Belarus Authorities Switch on Automatic Blocking of Anonymizers
The state enterprise on supervision of electronic communications BelGIE launched the system of automatic search for anonymizers.
The company looked for an automatized system to block not only banned websites, but also anonymizers and proxy-servers when used to access the banned websites; earlier, the lists of anonymizers were compiled individually by employees of the enterprise.
Judging by the documents, the automatic system was purchased on November 3 from the Belarusian joint-stock company CompliTech. The company had also produced systems for monitoring of forest fires, for dispatch communication and for medical registration. The automatic system cost 878 986 080 rubles, or around 45,000 USD.
BelGIE added that there had been five competitors in the tender, three of them commercial. The decisive criterion, in addition to effectiveness, was cheaper price. Now, according to the agency, the websites blocked in Belarus under the law will be inaccessible also via anonymizers. However, Belarusian users will be able to use anonymizers to access any other websites.
On February 19, 2015, the Operative Analytical Center introduced the ruling stating that the State inspection of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization shall block access not only to banned websites, but also to anonymizers and proxy-servers, like Tor. The ruling went into legal force on the day of publication.
Ministry of Information Blocks 40 Websites, 11 of them Extremist