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  • Freelance journalist Kastus Zhukovski has been hospitalized in the toxicological department after the attack

    Kastus Zhukovski spent a night in the toxicological department of the hospital. The policeman drew up a protocol on the attack on journalists.

    Yes­ter­day free­lance jour­nal­ists Kas­tus Zhukovs­ki and Andrei Tolchin filmed the sto­ry about the pig farm owned by the com­pa­ny «Horosha­ja Hriush­ka” (“good pig») near the vil­lage Zeleny­ja Luki of Gomel region. Reporters want­ed to check the infor­ma­tion about the even­tu­al deaths of pigs in the com­plex.

    The police was called and even five police offi­cers came to con­trol the sit­u­a­tion. And at the same time in the pres­ence of police offi­cers the man in cam­ou­flage, prob­a­bly one of the staff of secu­ri­ty guards of pig farm, attacked jour­nal­ists and sprayed on them a sub­stance of unknown ori­gin.

    Kas­tus Zhukovs­ki said that police did not react any­how. Then the jour­nal­ists called the dis­trict police­man. The dis­trict police­man came but refused to make the pro­to­col. Only after the ambu­lance arrived he agreed to issue a pro­to­col about the attacks on jour­nal­ists.

    At the hos­pi­tal Zhukovs­ki was ini­tial­ly offered just stay in the ward, not allow­ing even to have a show­er, although his cloth­ing was com­plete­ly impreg­nat­ed with the chem­i­cal sub­stances.

    After sev­er­al claims Kas­tus final­ly was allowed to wash him­self, then he was giv­en two med­ical drop­pers.

    In the morn­ing of August 9 Zhukovs­ki was dis­charged from the hos­pi­tal.

    «But I’m going back to record the sto­ry about the pig farm because it’s my job — to seek infor­ma­tion and to inform the audi­ence», — said Kas­tus Zhukovs­ki.

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