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  • Freelancer Found Guilty of Hooliganism

    On July 28, the Loyeu district court, Homel region, heard the case of Kastus Zhukouski concerning his detention on June 21: three administrative reports were returned for completion to the police, and one charge upheld.

    Judge Antan­i­na Muzy­chen­ka found the jour­nal­ist Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki guilty of minor hooli­gan­ism (arti­cle 17.1) and sen­tenced him to the min­i­mal fine of 63 BYN (or around 30 euros).

    The human rights defend­er Leanid Sudalen­ka, who attend­ed the hear­ing, thinks that the video of the inci­dent, tak­en by a sur­veil­lance cam­era in the police depart­ment and pre­sent­ed as evi­dence, does not prove the fact of hooli­gan­ism, but rather dis­obe­di­ence to the police’s actions.

    Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki will appeal against the deci­sion. Three oth­er reports (insult­ing pub­lic offi­cials and dis­obe­di­ence to police’s actions) are being com­plet­ed.

    Six Admin­is­tra­tive Pro­to­cols and No Excus­es from Loyeu

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