How Much Journalists and Editors Earn in Belarus Regions has viewed vacancies and salary offers in regional state and non-state mass media.
Salaries in state regional mass media
Judging by the National Bank of Vacancies of the State Employment Service, the standard and at the same time the minimal salary for journalists in district newspapers comprises 265 BYN*. For example, such salary is offered for a staff journalist at Peramoha paper, Dziatlava town.
What is more impressive: many local papers want to find a journalist part-time, for 132 rubles. For example, Petrykauskiya Naviny.
And Haradotski Vesnik and Chacherski Vesnik are ready to pay the same part-time 132 rubles to (!) editors of web resources. A bit standing-out local resource is Ostrovetskaya Pravda: in the region with arising BelAES, a new nuclear power plant, a journalist is offered to get paid 316 BYN.
The regional newspaper Vitebskiye Vesti is looking for a correspondent to work for 318 BYN.
Slightly more is offered to editors of local press. Savetskaya Vyoska (Drybin) is looking for an editor of agriculture department for 289 BYN. Iuyeuski Kray is looking for an editor for 312 BYN. At this background, the vacancy for Polymya (Karelichy) is remarkable – the chief editor’s deputy is wanted for 480 BYN.
Salaries in non-state regional mass media
As we were told in one non-state newspaper of the Brest region, an average journalist earns from 500 BYNs a month. With trying hard, you can earn 600–700 rubles and more.
A non-state newspaper of the Minsk region offers a salary for journalists starting from 400 BYN. Those willing and able to work overtime can aspire for 500–600 BYN a month.
The Internet resource published a vacancy for journalist-copywriter with a salary starting from 430 BYN. An advantage is work from home and the requirement is at least one year work experience.
*Note: 1 $ = 1.942 BYN, 1 € = 2.274 BYN.