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  • Human rights defenders recognize blogger Zmitser Kazlou political prisoner

    Blogger Zmitser Kzou (aka Gray Cat) charged under Article 342 Part 1 of the Criminal Code (organization or active participation in group actions grossly violating public order) was recognized political prisoner by the human rights community of Belarus.

    Blogger Zmitser Kazlou (aka Gray Cat)

    The human rights defend­ers based their deci­sion on pre­vi­ous­ly state­ments of the Belaru­sian human rights com­mu­ni­ty of 1, 9 and 11 June  that rec­og­nized the defen­dants in «Tikhanouski’s case» polit­i­cal pris­on­ers.

    The Belaru­sian human rights defend­ers demand to release Zmitser Kazlou imme­di­ate­ly and to drop crim­i­nal charges against him.

    Zmitser Kazlou   was arrest­ed on June 10, togeth­er with activists of Euro­pean Belarus Art­siom Char­ni­ak and Mikhail Ban­daren­ka . The next day he was sen­tenced to 20 days in jail and was expect­ed to be released on 30 June. But he con­tin­ues to remain behind bars. The blog­ger was trans­ferred to the pre-tri­al deten­tion cen­ter on Volo­dars­ki street. .

    At present 17 peo­ple already are in cus­tody pros­e­cut­ed under Art. 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code. These are blog­gers Siarhei Tsikhanous­ki, Uladz­imir Niaron­s­ki , Siarhei Pia­trukhin , Alexan­der Kabanau , Uladz­imir Tsy­hanovich, Zmitser Kazlou, Ihar Losik ,   detained after the inci­dent in Hrod­na Zmitser Fur­manau, Viarhili Ushak, Art­siom Sakau, Alexan­der Ara­novich, Uladz­imir Navu­mik, Vasil Babrous­ki, Yauhen Raznichen­ka, Uladz­imir Kni­ha, Andrei Novikoфг , politi­cian Miko­la Statke­vich . 15 of them are rec­og­nized as polit­i­cal pris­on­ers.

    Repressions against journalists in Belarus, 2020 (chart)

    Bloggers Tsyhanovich and Kabanau recognized as political prisoners

    STATEMENT: BAJ outraged at arrest of bloggers, and calls on the authorities to abide by international standards and obligations

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