Journalist Alexander Ivulin is free!
As reports, Tribuna journalist Alexander Ivulin has been free since February 17. He has already left Belarus.
On his Instagram page, Alexander Ivulin posted a photo from the airport and wrote:
«People do not part forever. All these 624 days, until we saw each other, it was much more difficult for you than for me. The unknown scared you. You did not know how I am and what is wrong with me. You didn’t know how to help me. At the same time, you did everything possible to make life a little easier for me on the other side of the fence. You’ve done so much that I still can’t comprehend the full scale».
Alexander Ivulin was detained on June 3, 2021. On January 19, 2022, the judge of the Soviet district of Minsk, Siarhei Shatila, sentenced Alexander Ivulin to two years in prison for «organizing and preparing actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them.»
At this time, 32 media representatives remain behind bars.
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