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  • Journalist Andrei Kuznechyk still detained, his whereabouts unknown

    Radio Svaboda freelancer Andrei Kuznechyk was to be released from a temporary detention center on December 15. His second 10-day arrest ended that day.

    How­ev­er, for a week now nei­ther the journalist’s rel­a­tives nor the lawyer have been giv­en infor­ma­tion on where and on what grounds Andrei is detained.

    Andrei Kuznechyk was detained on Novem­ber 25 dur­ing a search of the journalist’s apart­ment. Lat­er our col­league was pun­ished twice in a row by 10-day admin­is­tra­tive arrests.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists demands that the com­pe­tent author­i­ties imme­di­ate­ly pro­vide infor­ma­tion on where and on what grounds the jour­nal­ist is being held.

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