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  • Journalist convicted for protests against ‘deep integration’ with Russia

     Journalist Dziyana Seradziuk received a fine based on changed testimony of a riot policeman.

    Novy Chas journalist was punished with a huge fine for participation in the protests against "deep integration". That was the second trial for Dziyana Seradziuk. At the first trial, the court sent the report back to police for revision.

    This time, the main wit­ness, a police offi­cer Siarhei Astafyeu — stat­ed that the unau­tho­rized protest on Decem­ber 20 last­ed for a long time. In the evening he saw Dziyana near Yan­ka Kupala park  and took a pic­ture of her on a mobile phone. The pic­ture was not shown to the pub­lic in the court­room.

    Accord­ing to Astafyeu, he knows Dziyana «because of work». He claims, that she was not marked as a jour­nal­ist, and shout­ed the slo­gan «Long live Belarus!»

    It turned out, the above men­tioned pho­to had been tak­en at the inter­sec­tion of the Inde­pen­dence Avenue and Yan­ka Kupala Park, while in the park Astafyeu «was unable to take a pic­ture, as Ser­adz­iuk turned away.»

    Dur­ing the pre­vi­ous tri­al, anoth­er wit­ness, Ivashk­ou, tes­ti­fied that he had seen Dziyana betwen 6 and 6:30 p.m. How­ev­er, at today’s tri­al Ivashk­ou stat­ed he had made a mis­take ear­li­er. NOw he claims, he saw Dziyana at a dif­fer­ent time and in oth­er cir­cum­stances.

    The jour­nal­ist point­ed out, such fun­da­men­tal changes of tes­ti­mo­ny are inad­mis­si­ble. She ques­tioned the com­pe­ten­cy of Ivashk­ou.

    In 2017, Dziyana was tried by Per­sh­mais­ki court of Min­sk that acquit­ted her when police offi­cers who tes­ti­fied against her had been proven liars. The jour­nal­ist claimed her mis­trust of the wit­ness­es and asked the court to drop the charges.

    Despite insuf­fi­cient evi­dence, errors in the tes­ti­mo­ny of wit­ness­es, and oth­er absur­di­ties, the court con­vict­ed her and pun­ished with a fine of 50 base val­ues (1350 BYN, or about 570 Euro).

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