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  • Journalist Larysa Shchyrakova was fined in amount of 35 base rates (805 Belarusian rubles)

    Judge of Gomel region Andrei Susla punished Larisa Shchyrakova for cooperating with the "Belsat" TV channel without accreditation (violation of the Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code) with a fine of 35 basic units - 805 rubles.

    The jour­nal­ist was found guilty of the ille­gal cre­ation of media prod­ucts for the TV chan­nel «Bel­sat».

    In July police made an admin­is­tra­tive pro­to­col for the ille­gal pro­duc­tion of media pro­duc­tion by Shchyrako­va. Police­men drew up a pro­to­col for the video about the inten­tion of the author­i­ties to demol­ish more than fifty pri­vate hous­es in Gomel with­in the bound­aries of the streets Bog­dana Hmel­nit­sko­go – Rechit­sa avenue — Chkalo­va. This inten­tion of the author­i­ties has caused out­rage among many res­i­dents here. The chair­per­sons of the dis­trict admin­is­tra­tion and the office of the city’s archi­tec­ture had to orga­nize the meet­ing of the towns­peo­ple on June 10. This is what Larysa shot the video about and post­ed on the video-host­ing com­pa­ny Youtube plat­form. The TV chan­nel «Bel­sat» used some footages in the sto­ry: «Offi­cials had allowed us to build a house and now they want to tear it down.»

    Shchyrako­va came to the court with a bun­dle of gar­lic. She said it is nec­es­sary to have gar­lic with her to scare away evil spir­its in the court. The last time this jour­nal­ist came to the court with a rope noose around her neck.

    Larysa refused to tes­ti­fy against her­self: «It makes no sense to say any­thing, because still deci­sion is not tak­en in the court and but in the gov­ern­men­tal offices. The court is only accept­ing penal­ties against inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ists.»

    This is the fourth penal­ty of Larysa Shchyrako­va this year for the ille­gal cre­ation of media pro­duc­tion. She had also a fine for par­tic­i­pat­ing in an unsanc­tioned event – as a jour­nal­ist she worked dur­ing the ral­ly of «nedar­maedy (against the Decree #3 on Social Depen­den­cy)» in Rogachev.
    The total amount of fines of Larysa Shchyrako­va is 3381 BYN this year.

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