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  • Journalist Yauhen Merkis spends four days in punishment cell

    The political prisoner was put into segregation for "being unshaven." Now, he is in a regular cell and is feeling fine, Shtodnya reports. 

    Yauhen Merkis. Photo: Social media

    Yauhen Merkis is in cus­tody under accu­sa­tions of pro­mot­ing extrem­ist activ­i­ty (Arti­cle 361–4). Under this arti­cle, the jour­nal­ist faces from 2 to 6 years in prison. 

    On 13 Sep­tem­ber, the police searched his apart­ment, seized data car­ri­ers, and detained the jour­nal­ist. They also searched the homes of Yauhen’s father and his friend. Human rights activists declared Merkis a polit­i­cal pris­on­er.

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