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  • Journalists detained on September 1 charged with participation in an unauthorized action

    All the detained journalists are left in the police station for the night.

    On Sep­tem­ber 1, police offi­cers detained Euro­ra­dio jour­nal­ist Maria Vaitovich. The inci­dent took place while Maria was stream­ing from a stu­dent protest. Raman Hadun, reporter of the Belaru­sians and Mar­ket was detained along with her.

    The law enforce­ment offi­cer in plain clothes did not intro­duce him­self or show his ID, but said they were detained «for an accred­i­taion check».

    In a few hours Maria Vaitovich and Raman Hadun were released.

    At 17:00, when the police dis­persed the stu­dents’ protest, they detained TUT.BY jour­nal­ists Nadzeya Kalin­i­na, Ali­ak­sei Sud­nikau, Bela­PAN’s Andrei Shauluha, and free­lancer Vasil Semash­ka.

    Also, Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da in Belarus jour­nal­ists were detained: pho­tog­ra­ph­er Svi­ataslau Zor­ki (Siarhei Shchohaleu), cam­era­man Miki­ta Nedav­erkau, and reporter Maria Ele­she­vich.

    RIA Novosti reports that their reporter was detained today in Min­sk. The jour­nal­ists were tak­en to Kas­trych­nit­s­ki police depart­ment.

    Nadzeya Kalin­i­na and her col­leagues were detained near the Dynamo sta­di­um this after­noon and tak­en to the Kas­trych­nit­s­ki police depart­ment.  The reporters wore blue PRESS vests on the back. In addi­tion, they had badges with their pho­tos and the title of the news out­let they rep­re­sent. The jour­nal­ists per­formed their pro­fes­sion­al duties and cov­ered the protest action in Min­sk. 

    All the detained jour­nal­ists are left in the police sta­tion for the night. They do not know if the police has brought charges against them. Nadzeya was allowed to get med­ica­tions from her fam­i­ly, due to her poor health, TUT.BY reports.

    Читать полностью:  https://news.tut.by/society/698943.html

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