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  • Journalists of the Russian TV channel «Dozhd» Vladimir Romensky, Vasily Poklonsky and cameraman Nikolai Antipov were brutally detained in Minsk

    Telegram channel Nexta Live publishes a video of the detention of journalists. The video shows how people in civilian clothes and masks put them on the road and then take them away in an unknown way .

    A com­pan­ion of pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Svet­lana Tikhanovskaya, Maria Kolesniko­va, told Dozhd that the jour­nal­ists were detained after they spoke to her on the street.

    Police came with a search to the apart­ment rent­ed by Dozhd jour­nal­ists in Min­sk, said lawyer Anton Gashin­sky.

    Accord­ing to Gashin­sky, the search was car­ried out by peo­ple in plain clothes and black masks, they did not intro­duce. The lawyer was not allowed to search.

    Lat­er, Gashin­sky told that the search was over. He con­veyed the words of the land­lord — was­n’t seized any­thing — they just exam­ined every­thing and left.

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