Bonavero Institute-UNESCO MOOC on Freedom of Expression
The Bonavero Institute and UNESCO are delighted to announce a joint MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on international standards of freedom of expression. The MOOC will cover regional and international human rights law safeguards for freedom of expression, including press freedom, access to public information, safety of journalists and challenges created by the digital world. The course is free and open to legal professionals from all justice systems with an interest in human rights.
An exceptional opportunity to deepen your knowledge: The five weekly Modules are convened by academics and supplemented by the insights and experiences of prominent guest speakers. Every module introduces and discusses a pertinent topic with respect to the international and regional protection of freedom of expression: each features accessible background material, comprehension quizzes, and a forum for further discussion on our EdX — Edge platform, as well as a live Webinar (recordings will be provided for those who cannot attend). Participants who complete the course will be issued with a certificate. The language of instruction is English, with further language versions planned for the future.
Outline: One weekly module will be released on EdX — Edge starting 10 May 2021, and participants will have the flexibility to complete the course anytime before 30 June 2021. We estimate the time committment to complete the course at under 2 hours per week, so it is suitable for anyone in full-time employment.
Registration: Registration for the MOOC has opened!
More information about the course and the registration form can be link