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  • March 24: Our News Digest

    BAJ Chair Meets PACE Rapporteur on Belarus

    OSCE/ODIHR Won’t Monitor Independence Day Action

    Several People Fined for Facebook Posts about Protest Actions

    One State Channel Gets a New Head

    Website Editor Summoned to Investigative Committee in Orsha

    Three Journalists Summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office and to Police in Homel

    Journalists Detained at the Public Solidarity Point

    Joint Statement of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations


    Pho­to by Nasha Niva, Kas­trych­nit­skaya Square, March 24, 2017

    BAJ Chair Meets PACE Rap­por­teur on Belarus

    On March 24, the chair­per­son of BAJ Andrei Bas­tunets had a meet­ing with Andrei Rigo­ni, the Spe­cial Rap­por­teur of the Polit­i­cal Affairs Com­mit­tee of PACE. The Rap­por­teur has been informed about the ongo­ing wave of deten­tions and admin­is­tra­tive per­se­cu­tion of jour­nal­ists.

    OSCE/ODIHR Won’t Mon­i­tor Inde­pen­dence Day Action

    OSCE/ODIHR informed Belaru­sian human rights defend­ers that it would not be able to agree on send­ing an obser­va­tion mis­sion to Belarus to mon­i­tor street events on March 25. It has been impos­si­ble to hold an offi­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tion for unfold­ing an obser­va­tion mis­sion in such a short term.

    Sev­er­al Peo­ple Fined for Face­book Posts about Protest Actions

    A user of Face­book Andrei Maka­rau was sen­tenced to 7 days’ arrest for a post say­ing that “on March 25 it will be more dan­ger­ous to stay at home rather than to go to the street”. He was charged with arti­cle 23.34 – vio­lat­ing the pro­ce­dure for orga­niz­ing or hold­ing a mass event. He drew atten­tion that the post did not urge read­ers to come to an unsanc­tioned mass event. A rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Belaru­sian Helsin­ki Com­mit­tee who observed the trail says that in his view the judge’s deci­sion had been pre­de­ter­mined. Two oth­er Face­book users were arrest­ed for 8 days. One per­son was fined for 375 BYN. Two more per­sons are await­ing tri­al under the same charge.

    One State Chan­nel Gets a New Head

    Share­hold­ers of ONT chan­nel backed the president’s sug­ges­tion to appoint Marat Markau a new chair­per­son of the Board of the chan­nel, reports BelTA. For 6 years, he used to be the deputy chair of the Belaru­sian TV and Radio Com­pa­ny and anchored the pro­gram Krup­nym Planom. Aged 48, hav­ing mil­i­tary and legal edu­ca­tion, he had also worked as the deputy head of the ide­o­log­i­cal depart­ment of the President’s Admin­is­tra­tion.

    Web­site Edi­tor Sum­moned to Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee in Orsha

    Edi­tor of the region­al web­site orsha.eu Ihar Kazmer­chak was sum­moned to the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee for tomor­row, March 25.

    Three Jour­nal­ists Sum­moned to the Prosecutor’s Office and to Police in Homel

    Three jour­nal­ists from Homel – Maria Bulavin­skaya, Siarhei Liapin and Yauhen Merkis were sum­moned today to the prosecutor’s office, and tomor­row – to the police depart­ment. Today, they have been warned against con­tri­bu­tion to for­eign mass media with­out accred­i­ta­tion (i.e. Bel­sat). The jour­nal­ists fear that tomor­row they will be sim­ply detained. Besides, yes­ter­day Yauhen Merkis was fined 30 b.a. for cov­er­ing an action from Raha­chou.

    Jour­nal­ists Detained at the Pub­lic Sol­i­dar­i­ty Point

    Ales Zaleus­ki, Bel­sat, Hal­li­na Abakunchyk (Radio Svabo­da), and two for­eign reporters (Kristi­na Ber­dyn­skikh (Novoye Vre­mya, Ukraine), and Gul­liv­er Cragg (France 24), were detained this evening togeth­er with some oth­er peo­ple, who were present at the spot of gath­er­ing first-need things for arrestees. Plain-clothed police­men appeared at the office of Green par­ty and start­ed to copy IDs of peo­ple who had come there. The jour­nal­ists were tak­en to near the police depart­ment of the Mask­ous­ki dis­trict, their doc­u­ments were ver­i­fied, now they are  free.

    Joint State­ment of Human Rights Orga­ni­za­tions

    Belaru­sian human rights orga­ni­za­tions appealed to the gov­ern­ment of Belarus call­ing to stop esca­lat­ing the atmos­phere of hys­te­ria and fear; to release those arbi­trar­i­ly detained or arrest­ed for their exer­cise of their right to peace­ful assem­bly and free­dom of expres­sion; to ensure obser­vance of all pro­ce­dur­al guar­an­tees to those arrest­ed under crim­i­nal arti­cles; to ensure there is no pres­sure on all par­tic­i­pants of the crim­i­nal process, includ­ing lawyers; to ensure the cit­i­zens’ rights to peace­ful assem­bly and free­dom of expres­sion, to avoid vio­lence against cit­i­zens and to ensure unim­ped­ed work to jour­nal­ists.

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