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  • Minsk office of Belsat gets back equipment seized during recent search

    Computers and data storage devices have been returned to Belsat two days after they were seized by the police took during the search at the Minsk office of Belsat.

    Equipment returned by investigators iFrame

    The Inves­ti­ga­tion Com­mit­tee report­ed that the search was car­ried out in the frame­work of the crim­i­nal case opened under Arti­cle 188 of the Crim­i­nal Code – “defama­tion”. On the morn­ing of April 9, MES employ­ees want­ed to cut through the door in the Min­sk office of Bel­sat, but the jour­nal­ist of the TV chan­nel Miko­la Dzyaby­ola decid­ed to save the prop­er­ty from dam­age and opened the door.

    The police then took away all media stor­age devices and com­put­ers, but they were soon returned.

    “Of course, we are glad that we have the equip­ment back. But the ques­tion remains, why did they even take it? This inspec­tion did not bring any­thing new to the case. We do not refuse to admit a mis­take. Every­thing is clear here. Yes, we were mis­tak­en, but we apol­o­gized and print­ed a refu­ta­tion. Why was this equip­ment tak­en away and what it could bring to the case is not clear. We are hap­py that the inves­ti­ga­tors came to their sens­es and returned the equip­ment to us,” said Aleksy Dzikaw­ic­ki, Deputy Direc­tor of the Bel­sat TV chan­nel.

    BAJ Protests Against Search at Belsat And New Criminal Case — Statement by BAJ Board

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