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  • News Digest, March 26 (UPD)

    In Min­sk, BAJ mem­ber and human rights defend­er Tat­siana Revi­a­ka was detained. She spent 2.5 hours in the cor­ri­dor face to the wall. She was informed about her rights in an admin­is­tra­tive process, pho­tos from her cell phone were delet­ed. Then she was set free with­out expla­na­tions.

    In Byaroza, Tama­ra Shcha­pi­otk­i­na received a sum­mons to appear at local police at 9 am March 27. She’s got admin­is­tra­tive charges brought against her.

    In Min­sk, the flat of jour­nal­ist and human rights activist Mary­na Kastylian­chanka was searched. Her col­leagues from Vias­na appeared to sup­port. Lat­er, she was detained and tak­en to the Sovi­et dis­trict police depart­ment.

    In Brest, the web­site edi­tor of Vir­tu­al­ny Brest Andrei Kukharchyk had been detained while trans­mit­ting live news from Lenin Square; set free at 2–45 pm.

    In Min­sk, Bel­sat jour­nal­ists Ali­ak­sei Min­chonak and Ales Zaleus­ki had been detained. They were tak­en to the Cen­tral dis­trict police depart­ment. They spent over three hours out­doors; Min­chonak was fin­ger­print­ed and both pho­toed for a case, then released.

    In Homel, Bela­PAN cor­re­spon­dent Ale­na Her­manovich was detained, now she is free.

    In Viteb­sk, BAJ mem­bers Pavel Lev­in­au, Leanid Svet­sik, Kanstantsin Mardzv­intsau were detained. Released.

    In Min­sk, at Kas­trych­nit­skaya Square, blog­gers Raman Prata­se­vich and Stas Karpau were detained. Released.

    At noon, in Babruysk, the edi­tor of Babruys­ki couri­er Ana­tol Sanat­sen­ka was detained when he came to Vic­to­ry Square to cov­er a sup­posed street action. Released. Also, in Babruysk, jour­nal­ists Andrei Shobin and Vik­tar Masa­lovich were detained, now released.

    In Orsha, the edi­tor of the web­site orsha.eu Ihar Kazmer­chak has been detained in the town cen­ter, where a street action had been sched­uled.

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