EFJ welcomes the award of the Sakharov Prize to the democratic opposition in Belarus
Authorities put NEXTA logo and live channel on list of extremist materials
TUT.BY, BelaPAN, Onliner, and Belarusians and Market journalists covering weekend protests receive 13–15 days of jail
Their cases were heard by Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk. On October 17 and 18, Daria Spevak (Onliner), Vadzim Zamirousk and Usevalad Zarubin (Belapan and, as well as Artsiom Mayorau (Belarusians and Market) were detained and "taken to the police department for an ID check".
Police detains at least 40 journalists on October 11 LIST
Silnye Novosti journalist Nadzeya Puzhynskaya to serve 14 days of jail. Her trial was not announced to public
In Homel, journalist of the local portal Silnye Novosti (Strong News) was tried. However, neither her family, not colleagues who had been keeping vigil in the court building for two days, were able to come to her trial. Nadzeya Puzhynskaya was sentenced to 14 days of jail.
October 4: 16 journalists detained, five remain in custody until trial
MFA to reaccredit foreign media, all old accreditation cards revoked
60 journalists were detained in Belarus in September
Belarus authorities suspend popular news portal’s status of media outlet
Homel journalist Yauhen Merkis to serve extra 12 days in jail
EFJ demands release of 15 detained journalists in Belarus
Five journalists detained in Belarus on Sunday, September 27
8 journalists detained on Saturday, September 26
Journalists detained while greeting colleagues released from Akrestsina detention center. They were arrested and fined
Nasha Niva chief editor Yahor Martsinovich detained as suspect in criminal case
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