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  • ONT TV Channel Ignored Entrepreneurs in Brest

    Traders of the Brest market TSUM invited correspondents of the ONT TV channel to express their point of view on the situation concerning the market of goods, which in fact ceased its work after the New Year holidays.

    The entre­pre­neurs are out­raged by news on state TV that says that, alleged­ly, there is noth­ing scary at mar­kets, and offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tives assure TV view­ers that entre­pre­neurs sim­ply decid­ed to close down for hol­i­days. Siarhei Malt­sau, an entre­pre­neur from Brest, says that such news mis­in­form the pub­lic. The real trou­ble is that many entre­pre­neurs stopped work­ing because of Edict No 222, which allows sell­ing only the goods that have accom­pa­ny­ing cer­tifi­cate of qual­i­ty (which many entre­pre­neurs fail to get from sup­pli­ers). How­ev­er, when the entre­pre­neurs from Brest appealed to the ONT TV to speak out their view­point, they heard that the top­ic did not deserve atten­tion.

    “In coun­tries where 90% of sole traders at mar­kets and in shop­ping cen­ters stopped their work, wouldn’t TV notice this issue?” – ask the activists. “This again con­firms that there is no free­dom of expres­sion, and you won’t hear the opin­ion of the very entre­pre­neurs on state TV.”

    Edict No 222, enforced since Jan­u­ary 1, 2016, demands that goods of light indus­try import­ed from coun­tries of the Cus­toms Union can­not be sold unless they have a cer­tifi­cate of qual­i­ty. Entre­pre­neurs had a span of time to sell the rest of their goods with­out the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments import­ed into Belarus before July 1, 2014.

    Relat­ed news:

    Euro­ra­dio: Entre­pre­neurs gath­er for anti-cri­sis forum in Min­sk

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