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  • Pavel Sheremet’s Body to Return Home Soon

    It is expected that the farewell ceremony will take place in Kyiv on Friday, July 22, and the body will be taken to Minsk by plane. Then, on Saturday, the memorial service will take place in All Saints’ Church (ul. Kalinouskaha 121).


    The inves­ti­ga­tion already has six ver­sions of the mur­der, four of them have been pub­li­cized: pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ty, hos­til­i­ty in rela­tions or per­son­al motives, the Russ­ian trace (desta­bi­liza­tion of the sit­u­a­tion), an attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Ole­na Pry­tu­la.

    On pages of social net­works, many of Pavel Sheremet’s friends and col­leagues remem­ber his vivac­i­ty and ardent jour­nal­is­tic work.

    “Pavel had worked in Ukraine late­ly, but stayed a sym­bol­ic per­son­al­i­ty in Belarus jour­nal­ism. Has stayed. These min­utes, one does not think about sym­bols and pro­fes­sion, but about the per­son. Who is no longer here. Awful. Con­do­lences to rel­a­tives and friends,” wrote Andrei Bas­tunets, chair of BAJ, on his Face­book page.

    “The mur­der of Pavel Sheremet is anoth­er assault on the pro­fes­sion of jour­nal­ists, anoth­er revenge to jour­nal­ists for truth, for true infor­ma­tion,” says Zhan­na Litv­ina, ex-chair of BAJ. “Pavel Sheremet has been BAJ mem­ber since 1997. I per­son­al­ly remem­ber him after the arrest, after pres­sure exert­ed by the Belaru­sian author­i­ties. I remem­ber his sin­cere treat­ment of the Zavad­skis fam­i­ly, his suf­fer­ings over the vio­lent abduc­tion of Dzmit­ry Zavad­s­ki. I also remem­ber well Pavel’s pro­grams on the Russ­ian TV – with what admi­ra­tion you sit near the screen and watch those bright, tal­ent­ed pro­grams. This mur­der is a ruth­less revenge for his tal­ent, for his con­vic­tions, for his truth. This is a ruth­less revenge to jour­nal­is­tic pro­fes­sion.”


    It is expect­ed that the farewell cer­e­mo­ny will take place in Kyiv on Fri­day, July 22, and the body will be trans­ferred to Min­sk by plane. Then, on Sat­ur­day the memo­r­i­al ser­vice will take place in All Saints’ Church (ul. Kali­nouska­ha 121). The jour­nal­ist will be buried next to his father’s grave on North­ern Ceme­tery. How­ev­er, rel­a­tives say the events will depend on the inves­tiga­tive activ­i­ties of Ukraine author­i­ties and offi­cial pro­ce­dures, so the sched­ule might change.

    Famous Jour­nal­ist Killed in Car Blast in Kyiv (Updates)

    Guardian: “The world can be bet­ter: a trib­ute to jour­nal­ist Pavel Sheremet”

    The BBC Russ­ian Ser­vice: «Белорусский след» и прерванный рассказ о любви Павла Шеремета

    Pavel Sheremet, archive pho­tos (2004)

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