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  • Photogphers get 11 days of jail. They covered the protests, while the court ruled they were protesters

    TUT.BY's Uladz Hrydzin and Novy Chas' Alexander Vasukovich were detained on September 13. They spent three days at Akrestsina detention center before the end of the trial.

    Uladz Hrydzin

    They were grabbed by riot police on Sep­tem­ber 13, after 9 p.m., in cafe where they were send­ing their pho­tos back to the news­rooms. At first, the jour­nal­ists were accused of ral­ly­ing on the street just out­side the cafe. How­ev­er, when the court watched the video it became appar­ent that they were work­ing there. Then the police “revised” their reports. This time, they claimed Hry­dzin and Vasukovich ral­lied near Pushkin­skaya metro sta­tion, two hours before deten­tion (a few kilo­me­ters away from the for­mer “crime scene”).

     Alexan­der Vasukovich did not plead guilty. He said he was cov­er­ing a protest action. On Sep­tem­ber 13, anoth­er TUT.BY pho­tog­ra­ph­er — Vol­ha Shukaila — worked in the area. She wit­nessed in court that she saw Vasukovich work­ing: he was clear­ly marked as a jour­nal­ist, as it is required by the law “On mass events”, and had a press card around his neck.

    — He was cov­er­ing the protest, we worked near­by, — the wit­ness says. — I saw Vasukovich well, he did­n’t shout any­thing, and had no protest sym­bols on him.

     Alexander Vasukovich

    Vol­ha explained that jour­nal­ists even try not to talk to pro­test­ers while work­ing, so that it would­n’t be treat­ed as “protest coor­di­na­tion” after­words. In ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, six jour­nal­ists were detained while cov­er­ing the protests, accused of “coor­di­nat­ing an ille­gal march”, and sen­tenced to three days of jail.

    Sim­i­lar charges appear in the case against Uladz Hry­dzinwho also explained in court that he was tak­ing pic­tures for the pho­to report that he lat­er sent to the news­room.

    The court sen­tenced both pho­tog­ra­phers to 11 days of jail.

    This is not the first time when jour­nal­ists of reg­is­tered media have been pun­ished for doing their job under the guise of alleged par­tic­i­pa­tion in unau­tho­rized ral­lies. In ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, six reporters (Bela­PAN, TUT.BY, Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da in Belarus) were detained while cov­er­ing the stu­dent march, rec­og­nized as “coor­di­na­tors” of protest and giv­en three days of jail each.

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