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  • Political prisoner and journalist Darya Chultsova turns 25 in prison

    “It’s Dasha’s birthday on the 20th, she will celebrate her twenty-fifth birthday. Such a beautiful date! Too bad it will be a day off. The day passed quickly at work and maybe it wasn’t so sad,” Dasha’s mother Natalya Tserabilenka told.

    “Pre­vi­ous­ly, Dasha liked to cel­e­brate her birth­day at home. Usu­al­ly, she gath­ered her friends. I orga­nized a ‘sweet table,’ and they had fun.

    Now Dasha is doing fine, she goes with the flow. She works, reads, and responds to let­ters if they get to her. In gen­er­al, let­ters have become very bad. When she calls, she tries not to give away her mood and cheers us up. She works as a seam­stress. She says she gets things done, she under­stands what she is doing,” Dasha Chultsova’s moth­er shares the lat­est news.

    “I’m still 23, not soon to be 25”

    Natal­lia recent­ly received a let­ter from her daugh­ter, where the girl writes how she feels about real­i­ty, about how in fact she feels 23 years old (that’s how old she was when she was impris­oned).

    “Were you hop­ing I didn’t go to bed half an hour after the chimes struck? Ha-ha! How bad­ly you think of me! I went to bed two hours before the chimes For me, New Year’s Eve with­out my near­est and dear­est, with­out those whom I love, is not New Year’s at all. Plus I’m stuck in 2020, time stands still for me, only the num­ber (2022) has changed. I write it on the appli­ca­tions where I put the date. Oth­er than that, I’m still 23, not soon to be 25. It’s weird and I think it’s hard to under­stand if you don’t expe­ri­ence it… I’m sure it will all come back to nor­mal when I’m home. It’s just not the real world here, time goes by dif­fer­ent­ly”.

    When I was in pre-tri­al deten­tion, I couldn’t see the street from my cell, and it was almost always dark out­side. It seemed to me that there was noth­ing in the world but this build­ing”.

    Dasha has not been receiv­ing many let­ters late­ly. It is not clear whether it is because of the colony’s cen­sor­ship, or maybe peo­ple just don’t write enough to Dasha.

    Draw­ings by Dasha Chultso­va

    “There are let­ters that you want to answer, that strike up a con­ver­sa­tion. And you wait for an answer to such let­ters, you fly away from that place, you don’t think about what’s going on here, what else you need to do, where to watch, where to go (where you don’t want to go at all). You’re wrong when you say I shouldn’t be thank­ful for let­ters. I nev­er sent any­thing at the time. I said to myself “I’ll do it tomor­row, there’s no time now,” Dasha writes.

    There are a lot of girls con­vict­ed on polit­i­cal arti­cles in the colony now. But they are not allowed to talk to each oth­er.

    A clip­ping from the Homel news­pa­per. Dasha par­tic­i­pat­ed in the “Miss Autumn” con­test. There are polit­i­cal pris­on­ers among the par­tic­i­pants in the pho­to.

    “I keep wearing my dark hat, which makes me look like a lady from the 19th century”

    On the out­side, Dasha imag­ines her­self in bed, sur­round­ed by pil­lows, wine and food. She will be watch­ing “Kill Bill” and Quentin Tarantino’s “Mad Dogs.”

    In prison, Darya was placed on the pre­ven­tive reg­is­ter as a “per­son prone to extrem­ism and oth­er destruc­tive actions”. Such sta­tus pro­vides for increased con­trol on the part of the admin­is­tra­tion. She must wear a yel­low tag, the col­or used to iden­ti­fy per­sons alleged­ly “prone to extrem­ism”.

    Darya’s term is due to end on Sep­tem­ber 5, 2022.

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