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  • Political prisoner Andrzej Paczobut has covid, needs urgent hospital care

    Political prisoner Andrzej Paczobut has got Covid-19 and needs to be urgently taken to hospital His wife Aksana says he also has heart problems. He used to often lose consciousness, and Aksana is really concerned about his health now, as there is no proper medical care in jail.

    Andrzej Pac­zobut has got Codid in Zhodz­i­na jail, he man­aged to pass the news to his fam­i­ly through his cell­mates.

    Accord­ing to his wife, Andrzej is weak, cough­ing, los­ing ener­gy, but has got no med­ical care as the jail has no hos­pi­tal ward. His fam­i­ly is wor­ried about the health of the polit­i­cal pris­on­er, because he has irreg­u­lar heart beat. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he fre­quent­ly lost con­scious­ness.

    Aksana knows that Andrzej is now kept in an over­crowd­ed cell, with 13 peo­ple inside. The cell is stuffy, with bad air, and lice. Aksana believes that Andrei’s con­di­tion could dete­ri­o­rate due to the heat which is not good for peo­ple with heart dis­eases.

    The jail admin­is­tra­tion made an excep­tion for Pac­zobut and allowed him to lie on his bunk for 2 hours a day. He is sup­posed to either stand or walk for the rest of the day. We’ve got repeat­ed reports from polit­i­cal pris­on­ers that they get a «spe­cial treat­ment» in jail: they are not allowed to sit or lie from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

    Andrzej Pac­zobut is 48. He lives in Hrod­na. He and his wife Aksana have two chil­dren, elder daugh­ter study­ing med­i­cine in Hrod­na, and younger son is in sec­ondary school.  Andrzej is well-known jour­nal­ist and pub­lic fig­ure, a mem­ber of the unreg­is­tered Union of Poles in Belarus. He joined the pro­fes­sion in 2002.

    On March 25, 2021 Pac­zobut was detained, and his home was searched.  He is charged under the «Pol­ish case», opened for «incit­ing reli­gious and nation­al hatred» (Arti­cle 130 part 3 of the Crim­i­nal Code) against Anzha­li­ka Borys and oth­er mem­bers of the Union of Poles. Andrzej is in Zhodz­i­na jail now.

    Mem­bers of the unreg­is­tered Union of Poles in Belarus Ire­na Bernatskaya, Maria Tsishk­ouskaya, and Han­na Pan­isha­va were released in May and sent out of the coun­try.  The crim­i­nal charges against them are not dropped, and they are liv­ing in Poland now. Only Pac­zobut and Borys remain in jail in this case.

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