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  • Printing House Forced to Destroy Book by Vital Silitski


    The post-mortem edition of the book by political scientist Vital Silitski “Long road from tyranny: post-Communist authoritarianism and fighting for democracy in Serbia and Belarus” was published by magazine ARCHE in October 2015.

    The book was print­ed by print­ing house Pol­i­craft in 1000 copies, reports Euro­ra­dio.

    The head of the print­ing house Fio­dar Basko con­firmed to Nasha Niva that the whole cir­cu­la­tion was destroyed: “We were told that if we don’t do it, the typog­ra­phy will be closed,” he said.

    The book com­pares regimes of Slo­bo­dan Miloše­vić and Alexan­der Lukashen­ka, the front cov­er shows both the lead­ers, Alexan­der Lukashen­ka – in a mil­i­tary uni­form. There is no infor­ma­tion if there has been any exam­i­na­tion regard­ing extrem­ist con­tents. The Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion did not give any com­ments.

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