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  • Prosecution of Journalists in March 2017 — General Figures

    In March 2017, Belarusian journalists have faced with an increase of pressure from the authorities. This year the pressure has become the most intense since 2011.

    In March 2017, BAJ reg­istred 120 inci­dents of vio­la­tions of jour­nal­ists rights’. There have been:

    93 deten­tions.
    40 admin­istartive cas­es, of which:
    — arti­cle 22.9 of the Code of Admin­istartive Vioa­t­ions — 13 cas­es, 3 fines imposed by now (ille­gal pro­duc­tion of mass media prod­ucts).
    — arti­cle 23.34 — 14 cas­es, fin­ished with 10 arrests and 4 fines. (par­tic­i­pa­tion in an unsanc­tioned event).

    - oth­er (17.1 — hoolo­gan­ism, 23.4 — dis­obe­di­ence to police’s demands) — 13 inci­dents.

    Beat­ings by police —  6 inci­dents.
    Dam­ages to equip­ment — 3 inci­dents.

    Most of the infor­ma­tion is illus­trat­ed in the chart

    Repressions against journalists in Belarus in 2017 (Chart, updated)

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