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  • Protest in cell 15. Iryna Slaunikava and other detainees on hunger strike in detention center

    Ten women have been on hunger strike in the double cell 15 in the temporary detention center in Akrestsin Street since the evening of November 3. There were plenty of reasons for this: it's been more than a year since the detainees were deprived of care packages, they are not taken to the shower or for a walk, the cells were overcrowded, medicines and the necessary medical treatment for COVID-19 were not provided.

    From mid-Octo­ber, the admin­is­tra­tion of the facil­i­ty start­ed pres­sur­ing women in cell 15: they were stripped of all their out­wear that the detainees could use as mat­tress­es. The clothes that women man­aged to pick up were tak­en away and added to the list of arrest­ed items. Every­thing else was thrown away.

    From Novem­ber 1, the women were not giv­en toi­let paper. There­fore, they went on a hunger strike with the demands to rein­tro­duce walks and show­ers, turn off the lights in the cells at night, give out all the nec­es­sary things accord­ing to the norms, return all belong­ings and med­i­cines.

    Apart from jour­nal­ist Iry­na Slau­nika­va, polit­i­cal pris­on­er Anas­ta­sia Kru­penich-Kan­drat­sje­va was kept in the cell until yes­ter­day. The for­mer detainees told what was hap­pen­ing in cell 15 of the deten­tion cen­ter.


    «I’ll wean you off from writing complaints.» Why they started pressuring women

    As human rights activists learned, such a bad reac­tion in the facil­i­ty admin­is­tra­tion was caused by a recent com­plaint about the con­di­tions of deten­tion of one of the for­mer detainees. Dur­ing the «riot», the deputy head of the facil­i­ty stat­ed that the com­plaints that the detainees wrote after their release are not valid. He added that the con­di­tions of deten­tion would wors­en to «wean» them from writ­ing com­plaints. He also promised to make the cell only sev­en degrees warm.

    All these weeks, the guards car­ried out an addi­tion­al search in the cell. That applied exclu­sive­ly to cell 15, even though there was anoth­er male “polit­i­cal” cell on the floor.

    Dur­ing the search, all the «unnec­es­sary», accord­ing to the admin­is­tra­tion, things were seized: tooth­brush­es, pads, med­i­cines. Accord­ing to the released, warm clothes were also con­fis­cat­ed from men in mid-Octo­ber.

    The girls say that the cell itself is very hot and sti­fling. The feed­er was some­times opened three cen­time­ters wide approx­i­mate­ly for an hour and a half. At the end of the month, they stopped open­ing the «feed­er» at all. Accord­ing to guards, «detainees should get some air when food is served.» At the same time, when the feed­er was open at night and it was cold, the guards refused to close it. The for­mer detainees also noticed that the food dis­trib­u­tor had stopped serv­ing white bread, although they had to give it 75 grams twice a day.

    Even med­ical masks which women used as hair bands were col­lect­ed.


    The detainees have to beg for soap and toilet paper

    Pre­vi­ous­ly, the detainees who were detained at home could bring per­son­al hygiene items, tow­els, and oth­er nec­es­sary things into the cell. Now the «new­com­ers» come to the cell emp­ty-hand­ed — all this is tak­en away in the deten­tion cen­ter. So women still stay in deten­tion with­out sham­poo and tooth­paste. Tooth­brush­es, linen, and tow­els remain after the for­mer detainees. Women have to wash their hair with local soap — half a piece for ten detainees. The detainees have to beg for it and toi­let paper. Some­times they are not giv­en for two or three days in a row. At the request to get toi­let paper, the guards offered to use T‑shirts instead.


    «It’s no health resort here.» Four brushes, three bottles of water, and seven pads for 10 women

    All med­i­cines were tak­en from the wom­en’s bed­side tables: cold pills, nasal and throat sprays, antivi­ral pow­ders, Smec­ta. At the same time, they said: «It’s no health resort here to get treat­ed.»

    Bot­tles of water that the detainees used for wash­ing, warm­ing up, and drink­ing were thrown away because, accord­ing to the admin­is­tra­tion, there were too many of them.

    The para­medic usu­al­ly dis­pens­es med­ica­tion to detainees dur­ing the morn­ing rounds. The stock of tablets is small, and there are no antivi­rals at all, only parac­eta­mol, ambrox­ol, anal­gin, vali­dol, and aller­gy reme­dies. In addi­tion, they don’t allow to store those drugs that may be need­ed quick­ly in the cell, and it takes a lot of time to get one through the para­medic.

    The women note that the detainees have lice in the cell. They have been appear­ing since Sep­tem­ber when three home­less women were put in a cell at once. As of Novem­ber 3, there were only four tooth­brush­es, three water bot­tles, and about sev­en pads left in the cell for ten women.

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