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    Article title Date Views
    Nasha Niva journalists are political prisoners July 12, 2021 36
    Situation in the media sphere in Belarus, July 13 / Press Conference July 12, 2021 38
    Detained Nasha Niva staff stays in custody after initial 72 hours July 12, 2021 53
    Important! NN chief editor beaten during detention July 09, 2021 42
    FIDH and Viasna condemn new attacks on independent media threatening the liberty of expression in Belarus July 09, 2021 41
    Sports journalist Ivulin charged with criminal offense July 09, 2021 34
    Journalists targeted by raids for second consecutive day UPDATED July 09, 2021 46
    Journalists and media searched and detained all over country July 09, 2021 37
    Stop crackdown on Belarus independent media July 08, 2021 40
    Authorities block Naša Niva’s website, arrest its editor in chief UPDATED July 08, 2021 47
    The team of the former editorial staff of TUT.BY launches a new media Zerkalo.io July 08, 2021 60
    21 Years Since Abduction of Dzmitry Zavadski July 07, 2021 67
    21 Years Since Abduction of Dzmitry Zavadski July 07, 2021 89
    Editor of news website Pieršy Rehijon arrested in Brest July 07, 2021 50
    Sports journalist Ivulin facing criminal charge, placed in custody after expiry of jail term July 05, 2021 49
    Fourteen organisations call for the immediate and unconditional Andrei Aliaksandrau July 05, 2021 50
    DW Akademie deeply concerned that trainer Andrei Aliaksandrau now faces up to 15 years in prison July 05, 2021 35
    Horrible testimony of political prisoner Dziadok in court: smothered with a pillow to give out passwords July 02, 2021 46
    Journalist Andrej Aliaksandraŭ charged with high treason June 30, 2021 55
    Roman Protasevich has moved to house arrest June 25, 2021 45
    OSCE Media Freedom Representative warns of further serious restrictions on freedom of expression in recently adopted Belarusian laws June 24, 2021 36
    Translator Volha Kalatskaya suspected under Article 342, again June 23, 2021 40
    BAJ to undergo examination by Ministry of Justice. Thousands of documents are to be presented in just 2 days June 21, 2021 43
    Political prisoner Andrzej Paczobut has covid, needs urgent hospital care June 17, 2021 55
    BAJ pleades with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health Care, Department of Corrections for hospitalizing Andrzej Paczobut June 17, 2021 38
    MFA brings Raman Pratasevich to briefing. He states he is not betraying anyone «but just cooperating with investigation» June 14, 2021 51
    Joint call to make press freedom a cornerstone of all demands towards Belarus June 10, 2021 48
    A statement in support of arrested media workers — Justice for Journalists Foundation June 09, 2021 33
    OSCE PA human rights leaders raise alarms over new legislation on mass events and media in Belarus June 04, 2021 49
    Sports journalists Ivulin, Pisarenka arrested in Minsk June 04, 2021 51
    Popular TV personality Dzianis Dudzinski and his wife questioned by financial police June 03, 2021 34
    Medicines not given to jailed Polish activist Andrzej Poczobut after alleged refusal to leave country June 03, 2021 32
    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media urges immediate and unconditional release of all detained journalists in Belarus June 02, 2021 36
    Tribuna journo Dzmitry Ruto, Hrodna.life editor Iryna Novik detained June 02, 2021 51
    Narodnaya Volya journalist jailed for 30 days May 31, 2021 67
    Hrodna.life editor released before trial May 31, 2021 40
    Journalist Lyubou Kaspyarovich released from jail May 31, 2021 48
    Charges pressed against Sophia Sapega who had been detained with Pratasevich May 27, 2021 70
    Pratasevich’s lawyer files complaint with the Prosecutor General’s Office demanding to see him May 27, 2021 32
    Belsat TV journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva transferred to penal colony in Homiel May 27, 2021 37
    Lukashenko signs mass media law amendments into law May 27, 2021 52
    Report: Women journalists are frontline warriors at the protests and in prisons in Belarus May 26, 2021 33
    TUT.BY employees are political prisoners. Joint statement by Belarusian human rights organizations May 26, 2021 66
    Minsk: 15-day jail terms for Belsat TV support staff May 25, 2021 34
    The host of the “Frankly Speaking” program left Belarus for security reasons. Now her relatives are being persecuted May 25, 2021 59
    Minsk: Reporter Ales Silich detained for ‘picketing’. He just had historical emblem on passport cover May 25, 2021 45
    Immediately release political prisoner Raman Pratasevich! May 24, 2021 49
    Journalist Artsiom Mayorau arrested for 15 days May 21, 2021 54
    Monitoring Report 2020 May 21, 2021 68
    TUT.BY journalist Adaria Hushtyn was released after interrogation May 21, 2021 39
    Raid on TUT.BY: online briefing of the TUT.BY team and Belarusian media experts May 20, 2021 53
    Reporters without borders: Belarus tries to silence the most popular independent news site May 20, 2021 55
    Belarus: Stop harassment of independent media outlet TUT.BY May 20, 2021 54
    Case Against TUT.BY: At Least 11 Employees Still In Detention After Raids May 20, 2021 57
    TUT.BY Case. Day two. UPDATED May 19, 2021 51
    IMS calls international community take robust action stop abuses against journalists, media in Belarus May 18, 2021 29
    BAJ: Stop attack on TUT.BY and other media resources May 18, 2021 54
    Security Forces Come To TUT.BY Offices, Editors’ Apartments May 18, 2021 57
    OSCE Media Freedom Representative deplores detention of journalists in Belarus May 18, 2021 39
    TUT.BY Journalist Lyubov Kasperovich arrested for 15 days May 17, 2021 58
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