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    Journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich and doctor Artsiom Sarokin to be tried today. They were greeted with applause February 19, 2021 55
    Independent journalists denied accreditation to trial of journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich and Doctor Artsiom Sarokin February 19, 2021 62
    EFJ President: This conviction is intended to intimidate the entire profession, to criminalise journalism February 18, 2021 33
    BAJ strongly condemns verdict against journalists Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva February 18, 2021 48
    Journalists Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment February 18, 2021 114
    Voice recorder, microphone, and 4 dayplanners as evidence. Prosecutor asked for 2 years of prison for Andreyeva and Chultsova February 17, 2021 78
    The Belarusian Association of Journalists is under attack February 16, 2021 41
    Security officials enter offices and flats of BAJ, human rights defenders and journalists February 16, 2021 68
    Journalists Lubou Luniouva and Dzmitry Soltan receive long arrests February 11, 2021 65
    U.S. Embassy Statement February 11, 2021 84
    Belarus journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova to face trial over protest reporting February 09, 2021 43
    Trial Of Belsat Journalists Who Reported Live From Changes Square Under Way February 09, 2021 46
    Open letter of long-service journalists and independent media executives of Belarus February 08, 2021 45
    Media Freedom Coalition statement concerning media freedom in Belarus February 08, 2021 38
    Belarus: Prosecution of journalists for “organising violations of public order” infringes international human rights standards February 05, 2021 25
    Belarusian journalists under crackdown need your support now! BAJ calls for international solidarity February 05, 2021 54
    Journalist Nadzeya Kalinina released but her trial not over February 02, 2021 61
    Belsat journalists Andreyeva and Chultsova to face trial on 9 February February 01, 2021 39
    TUT.BY Journalist Nadezha Kalinina Detained, Reason Remains Unclear January 31, 2021 54
    Police and OMON are after Hrodna media January 29, 2021 61
    Will be a number of trials against journalists January 29, 2021 41
    State Control Committee visits publisher and director of Binoculars city magazine. Documents and 9 computers are seized. January 28, 2021 51
    Press conference ahead of Andreyeva’s and Chultsova’s trial (February 5, 12:00 CET) January 25, 2021 37
    Belarusian Association of Journalists and Reporters without Borders addressed the UN Special Rapporteur January 21, 2021 68
    Press conference: Assault on freedom of speech in Belarus 22.01 January 21, 2021 65
    Investigative Committee cooperates with pro-governmental Belarusian Union of Journalists January 18, 2021 58
    Police search office of BelaPAN news agency January 14, 2021 97
    Statement on recognizing five members of Press Club Belarus as political prisoners January 14, 2021 43
    Criminal case started against journalist and media manager Andrei Aliaksandrau January 13, 2021 59
    FIGURES OF THE YEAR. Repression of media and journalists in Belarus in 2020 January 13, 2021 185
    Case of Belsat’s Andreyeva and Chultsova brought to court January 13, 2021 32
    First trial in ‘Tsikhanouski case’ starts in Belarus January 13, 2021 36
    Jailed Belsat TV journo may stand trial soon, family says January 12, 2021 47
    Jailed Belarusian blogger Ihar Losik on hunger strike for 28 days January 12, 2021 48
    Charges pressed against Press Club Belarus leaders December 31, 2020 46
    Violations of journalists’ rights, infographic (2009–2020) December 31, 2020 79
    Repressions against journalists in Belarus, 2020 (chart) December 31, 2020 119
    Hantsavitski Chas newspaper and its publisher’s home searched by police December 29, 2020 68
    FIGURES OF THE YEAR. Repression of media and journalists in Belarus in 2020 December 29, 2020 35
    BAJ urges the immediate release of the Press Club Belarus members STATEMENT December 28, 2020 39
    Press Club Belarus remains committed to its principles December 28, 2020 36
    Why are three Belarusian journalists in jail and what punishment do they face? December 24, 2020 114
    Press Club Belarus case: Five persons detained December 24, 2020 32
    Searches In Press Club Office, Employees Are Detained For 72 Hours December 22, 2020 61
    Andrei Bastunets walks out from questioning December 16, 2020 45
    BAJ Chair to be questioned tomorrow in case of harm to national security December 15, 2020 76
    Number of journalists jailed worldwide hits record amid unrest, pandemic December 15, 2020 50
    Three journalists detained in Minsk on December 13 December 14, 2020 44
    On Human Rights Day, NGOs call for accountability and an end to the crackdown in Belarus December 11, 2020 46
    RSF’s 15 recommendations for ending the four-month-old crackdown on press freedom in Belarus December 11, 2020 62
    Investigative Committee summons all Nasha Niva staff for questioning December 07, 2020 63
    Four journalists detained on Sunday. Two were not released and are to be tried November 30, 2020 43
    Nine journalists targeted by criminal investigation November 23, 2020 30
    Three journalists jailed on criminal charges. We demand their immediate release! November 23, 2020 51
    Daria Chultsova remains in custody. Assumable, a criminal charges November 23, 2020 51
    BAJ demands the immediate release of TUT.BY reporter Katsiaryna Barysevich! November 20, 2020 38
    Prosecutor General’s office investigates into publicising of Bandarenka’s medical data. TUT.BY journalist sent to KGB detention center November 20, 2020 42
    Altogether, Belarusian journalists have already spent 900 days behind the bars this year November 18, 2020 32
    BAJ wins the first Canada-UK Media Freedom Award. Andrei Bastunets’ speech November 16, 2020 70
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