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    Article title Date Views
    BAJ won the first Canada-UK Media Freedom Award November 16, 2020 44
    23 journalists detained on November 15. Updated November 15, 2020 41
    Belarusian Association of Journalists strongly protests against capture of Narodnaya Volia print run STATEMENT November 13, 2020 42
    Police search the house of Hazeta Slonimskaya founder November 09, 2020 91
    Police seizes journalist’s car November 09, 2020 29
    Nasta Zakharevich and Ilya Dabratvor detained in Minsk November 06, 2020 79
    Full support of European journalists to their colleagues in Belarus November 03, 2020 47
    Since August, 9 journalists have been detained 320 times in Belarus November 03, 2020 36
    Three Belsat journalists suspected in a criminal case November 02, 2020 29
    November 1: Journalists Detained, Some Beaten November 02, 2020 46
    Belarus Closes Borders With Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine And Latvia October 29, 2020 36
    EFJ welcomes the award of the Sakharov Prize to the democratic opposition in Belarus October 23, 2020 29
    Authorities put NEXTA logo and live channel on list of extremist materials October 20, 2020 53
    TUT.BY, BelaPAN, Onliner, and Belarusians and Market journalists covering weekend protests receive 13–15 days of jail October 19, 2020 50
    BELARUS AFTER ELECTION. Report on the human rights situation in Belarus in the post-election period October 14, 2020 55
    BAJ, Press Club, and United Media Association call to stop the pressure on the press October 12, 2020 30
    Police detains at least 40 journalists on October 11 LIST October 11, 2020 39
    Silnye Novosti journalist Nadzeya Puzhynskaya to serve 14 days of jail. Her trial was not announced to public October 06, 2020 40
    October 4: 16 journalists detained, five remain in custody until trial October 05, 2020 46
    MFA to reaccredit foreign media, all old accreditation cards revoked October 02, 2020 116
    60 journalists were detained in Belarus in September October 01, 2020 53
    BAJ and media urge authorities to withdraw lawsuit against TUT.BY and stop pressure on media October 01, 2020 33
    Wife of political prisoner Ihar Losik: «They organized a torture chamber for my husband» September 30, 2020 91
    Belarus authorities suspend popular news portal’s status of media outlet September 30, 2020 35
    Homel journalist Yauhen Merkis to serve extra 12 days in jail September 30, 2020 32
    Coverage of the 2020 Presidential Elections in Belarusian Media. Final Report September 30, 2020 82
    EFJ demands release of 15 detained journalists in Belarus September 28, 2020 29
    Five journalists detained in Belarus on Sunday, September 27 September 28, 2020 33
    8 journalists detained on Saturday, September 26 September 26, 2020 55
    Journalists detained while greeting colleagues released from Akrestsina detention center. They were arrested and fined September 25, 2020 50
    BAJ demands the immediate release of Yahor Martsinovich! September 23, 2020 36
    Nasha Niva chief editor Yahor Martsinovich detained as suspect in criminal case September 23, 2020 40
    Viasna activist Marfa Rabkova is political prisoner September 22, 2020 46
    Nasha Niva to be fined for the situation around injury of their journalist September 21, 2020 133
    On Sunday Dzianis Borshch, Siarhei Kazlovich and Mikalai Maminau were detained in Minsk September 21, 2020 96
    Photogphers get 11 days of jail. They covered the protests, while the court ruled they were protesters September 18, 2020 50
    ANDREI BASTUNETS: Today, the law does not defend us September 18, 2020 44
    EFJ welcomes OSCE mission to Belarus September 18, 2020 43
    Join us in supporting media freedom in Belarus: #BAJ25RAZAM September 16, 2020 31
    Belarusian Association of Journalists celebrates its 25th anniversary! September 16, 2020 48
    EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez: What are we waiting for to impose sanctions on those responsible? September 14, 2020 40
    Journalists detained in Minsk and Belarus regions on 12 and 13 September September 14, 2020 92
    STATEMENT by member of the European Pparliament Petras Auštrevičius on freezing cooperation with Belarusian authorities within the EU Eastern Partnership policy framework September 11, 2020 27
    Homiel: Two Belsat TV contributors detained September 11, 2020 47
    Investigative Committee: BAJ appeal concerning detention of 47 journalists is “abstract”. Case will not be examined September 11, 2020 36
    EFJ calls on Council of Europe to support Belarusian journalists September 09, 2020 41
    Valeria Ulasik charges under administrative case, apartment search September 08, 2020 65
    Six journalists were detained over weekend. Two people weren’t released September 07, 2020 25
    BAJ protests over arrests and court rulings against journalists September 05, 2020 51
    Lithuanian journalists urge all democratic countries to unite and defend Belarussian journalists September 04, 2020 50
    Human Rights in Belarus: UN Security Council Arria meeting. Speech of the BAJ representative September 04, 2020 38
    Cameraman Uladzimir Luniou: ‘I didn’t belive we would get out of there alive’ September 04, 2020 44
    Journalists demonstrate; police make new arrests September 04, 2020 39
    151 journalists were detained in Belarus in August September 02, 2020 37
    Journalists detained on September 1 charged with participation in an unauthorized action September 01, 2020 50
    The following journalists were deprived of accreditation August 29, 2020 38
    Wall of silence in Belarus: massive withdrawal of press accreditations August 29, 2020 34
    Foreign journalists lose their accreditation in Belarus August 29, 2020 68
    Belarus: criminal complaint against obstruction of journalists’ work August 28, 2020 70
    Declaring war on the truth: the crackdown on independent media in Belarus August 28, 2020 32
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