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    Article title Date Views
    Expensive Professional Equipment Seized from ‘Belsat’ Journalists October 11, 2017 48
    Expensive Professional Equipment Seized from ‘Belsat’ Journalists October 11, 2017 35
    BAJ: The Verdict on ‘Belsat’ Case Shows the Use of the Law against the Freedom of Media October 11, 2017 37
    BAJ: The Verdict on ‘Belsat’ Case Shows the Use of the Law against the Freedom of Media October 11, 2017 45
    New Minister of Information Appointed in Belarus October 01, 2017 48
    New Minister of Information Appointed in Belarus October 01, 2017 26
    Huge Fines Imposed on Freelance Journalists Zhukouski and Tolchyn in Petrykau September 27, 2017 50
    Huge Fines Imposed on Freelance Journalists Zhukouski and Tolchyn in Petrykau September 27, 2017 26
    The Dutch Journalists Frightened by Sergeant with Shooting while Reporting from ‘Zakhad-2017’ Military Exercises September 23, 2017 37
    The Dutch Journalists Frightened by Sergeant with Shooting while Reporting from ‘Zakhad-2017’ Military Exercises September 23, 2017 31
    Reinforcement of Repression against Independent Journalists in Homiel September 20, 2017 40
    Reinforcement of Repression against Independent Journalists in Homiel September 20, 2017 16
    E‑NEWSLETTER: MASS MEDIA IN BELARUS Bulletin #2(52) (May – July 2017) September 05, 2017 36
    The Belarusian Association of Journalists Requested the Presidential Administration to Defend Journalists September 05, 2017 39
    The Belarusian Association of Journalists Requested the Presidential Administration to Defend Journalists September 05, 2017 28
    Repressions against journalists in Belarus, 2017 (сhart) August 29, 2017 74
    Heavy fines: Trials of four Belsat TV journalists today August 28, 2017 63
    Heavy fines: Trials of four Belsat TV journalists today August 28, 2017 21
    Journalist Larysa Shchyrakova was fined in amount of 35 base rates (805 Belarusian rubles) August 22, 2017 53
    Journalist Larysa Shchyrakova was fined in amount of 35 base rates (805 Belarusian rubles) August 22, 2017 26
    The most important ethical issues in the Belarusian media — results of a survey of journalists August 21, 2017 38
    Bastunets and Radzevičius have agreed on cooperation of journalistic organizations August 21, 2017 29
    Bastunets and Radzevičius have agreed on cooperation of journalistic organizations August 21, 2017 0
    Bastunets and Radzevičius have agreed on cooperation of journalistic organizations August 21, 2017 40
    Journalist facing heavy fine for allegedly making news item for non-existent show August 14, 2017 26
    Journalist facing heavy fine for allegedly making news item for non-existent show August 14, 2017 49
    Freelance journalist Kastus Zhukovski has been hospitalized in the toxicological department after the attack August 09, 2017 40
    Freelance journalist Kastus Zhukovski has been hospitalized in the toxicological department after the attack August 09, 2017 35
    Homiel: Freelance Journalist Kastus Zhukouski Received another Police Report on Administrative Offense for His Professional Work August 04, 2017 31
    Homiel: Freelance Journalist Kastus Zhukouski Received another Police Report on Administrative Offense for His Professional Work August 04, 2017 27
    The Least Open Governmental Institutions for Journalists – the Operational and Analytical Centre, the Ministry of Information and the KGB August 03, 2017 71
    How Much Journalists and Editors Earn in Belarus Regions July 27, 2017 71
    The Ambassador of Germany about the Media Influence, Information Security, and the Future for Eastern Europe July 26, 2017 91
    What Belarus and Brussels Discuss in Human Rights July 21, 2017 43
    What Belarus and Brussels Discuss in Human Rights July 21, 2017 0
    What Belarus and Brussels Discuss in Human Rights July 21, 2017 39
    Police Handcuffs a Freelancer to a Tree July 21, 2017 83
    Police Handcuffs a Freelancer to a Tree July 21, 2017 46
    Police Handcuffs a Freelancer to a Tree July 21, 2017 44
    Belsat TV cameraman facing 590 USD fine July 19, 2017 34
    Belsat TV cameraman facing 590 USD fine July 19, 2017 31
    Media Problems in Belarus: Between the Present and the Future July 17, 2017 47
    Key Notes from Civil Society Parallel Forum in Minsk July 05, 2017 61
    Key Notes from Civil Society Parallel Forum in Minsk July 05, 2017 21
    BAJ Moves to a New Office June 13, 2017 37
    BAJ Moves to a New Office June 13, 2017 47
    E‑NEWSLETTER: Events of «hot spring» in Belarus Bulletin #1(51) (January – April 2017) June 02, 2017 57
    Investigative Committee Replies to BAJ’s Appeal Regarding Regnum Case May 30, 2017 34
    Investigative Committee Replies to BAJ’s Appeal Regarding Regnum Case May 30, 2017 17
    Journalist Fined for Insulting Traffic Policeman May 23, 2017 39
    Journalist Fined for Insulting Traffic Policeman May 23, 2017 36
    Monitoring Report 2016 May 17, 2017 87
    BAJ Urges State Bodies to Provide Info on Patriots’ Case May 11, 2017 71
    BAJ Urges State Bodies to Provide Info on Patriots’ Case May 11, 2017 24
    Killing Pavel: Investigation of the Assasination of Pavel Sheremet May 11, 2017 64
    Monitoring Report 2016 May 05, 2017 3
    Free Word Winners Announced on Press Freedom Day May 03, 2017 51
    Free Word Winners Announced on Press Freedom Day May 03, 2017 42
    Social Net Live Stream Results in a Fine for a Zoo Activist April 28, 2017 46
    Social Net Live Stream Results in a Fine for a Zoo Activist April 28, 2017 50
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