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  • Roskomnadzor Makes a Belarusian Website Remove Content (Upd)

    On April 10, the editorial office of KYKY.ORG received a letter from Roskomnadzor (based on a court decision of the Zavodoukovsk district court of Tyumen Oblast dated February 27, 2017) demanding to delete an article about shoplifetrs within a day, otherwise the website would be blocked.

    «The traf­fic share from Rus­sia is 14%. It would be a pity to lose it, so we will have to delete the arti­cle. So, you have a few more hours to read the text!» – was telling the announce­ment of KYKY.

    How­ev­er, the web­site trans­lat­ed the arti­cle into Belaru­sian. «Since the law of the Repub­lic of Belarus is not vio­lat­ed by the text of Yury Azaron­ak, we trans­lat­ed it into our lan­guage – now the Rus­sians will not under­stand, and you can peace­ful­ly read it.»

    It is a lifestyle arti­cle about shoplifetrs in brand shops. The arti­cle men­tions two brands — Zara and Oggi, com­par­ing their price poli­cies and crit­i­ciz­ing one of them.

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