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  • Searches In Press Club Office, Employees Are Detained For 72 Hours

    Attacks on independent media in Belarus continue. On December 22, police burst into apartment of the Press Club Program Director Alla Sharko. She managed to inform BAJ that the police were breaking her door.

    Press Club Director Siarhei Alsheuski's apartment was also searched.

    Another search took place at the apartment of Press Club Academy Director Siarhei Yakupau.

    The police also came with a search warrant to the Press Club office.

    Its founder Yulia Slutskaya was detained today upon her arrival at the Minsk National Airport. 

    All Press Club representatives whose homes were serached today were detained for 72 hours, reports TUT.BY.

    Pho­to cred­it: Press Club Belarus

    Attor­ney lawyer Siarhei Zikrats­ki was pushed out of Alla Sharko’s apart­ment dur­ing the search. He remained to wait in the entry­way.

    The police also detained jour­nal­ists: Nasha Niva deputy chief edi­tor Andrei Skurko, Onlin­er reporter Tat­siana Ashurke­vich, and Belarusy i Rynok jour­nal­ist Anton Mardzilovich near Alla Sharko’s apart­ment. They were tak­en to Mask­ous­ki dis­trict police police depart­ment for a doc­u­ment check and then released.  It seems that the police detained the jour­nal­ists in order to take Alla away with­out wit­ness­es.

    She was tak­en to the Finan­cial Inves­ti­ga­tion Depart­ment on Kalvaryiskaya street. .

    «The Depart­ment of finan­cial inves­ti­ga­tions of the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee is con­duct­ing a check on vio­la­tion of the tax law by staff of the Press Club and oth­er enti­ties that are involved, among oth­er things, into receipt of large sums of mon­ey from abroad», — BELTA was told by the press ser­vice of the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee.

    On Decem­ber 22, For­eign Min­is­ter Uladz­imir Makei spoke about Belarus response to the EU sanc­tions, includ­ing the plans to lim­it the activ­i­ties of a num­ber of polit­i­cal foun­da­tions, which oper­ate under the aus­pices of for­eign embassies. Is it a coin­ci­dence that the police arrests the Press Club lead­er­ship the same day?


    Yulia Slut­skaya — founder and chair of  Press Club Belarus. She’s been involved in jour­nal­ism since 1994. She grad­u­at­ed from the Phi­los­o­phy Fac­ul­ty of the Belaru­sian State Uni­ver­si­ty, and worked as a soci­ol­o­gist before join­ing the media sphere. In 1995–2006 Yulia served as the chief edi­tor of «Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da in Belarus». In 2007–2010 she led the Euro­pean Radio for Belarus, and in 2011 she found­ed and led Belarus in Focus Infor­ma­tion Office in War­saw.

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