Situation in the media sphere in Belarus, July 13 / Press Conference
The press conference to be held on July 13th, 11.00 CEST via Zoom.
On July 5th, Belarusian authorities closed the Euroradio bureau. On July 8th and 9th, mass searches, seizures of equipment, and detention of journalists took place in national and regional media offices. Nasha Niva, one of the oldest independent national media, has been forced offline, the editors detained, and the editor-in-chief Yegor Martinovich seriously assaulted. 29 media representatives are now behind bars, facing criminal charges.
What comes next?
Keynote speakers from
Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ)
Association of Publishers of the Regional Press
Nasha Niva
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Organized by Press Club Belarus and Belarus in Focus Information Office.