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  • Slonim Mayor Sues Sviatlana Kalinkina 50,000 BYN for Publishing NEXTA’s Posting

    Head of Slonim Executive Committee Henadz Khomich sued a number of publications that republished the posting of blogger Stsiapan Putsila (aka NEXTA). NEXTA's Telegramm channel posted that the local top official, as well as his wife a bit later, had been caught drunk driving. Officially, the information has not been confirmed.

    Khomich decid­ed to go to court. He is rep­re­sent­ed by lawyer Maria Kole­sa­va ‑Hudzili­na.

    Khomich wants to pun­ish the blog­ger and the pub­li­ca­tions that reprint­ed the post­ing.

    Accord­ing to Nasha Niva, he filed law­suits against Belarus Par­ti­san, and 21.by and bobruisk.ru (Viach­erni Babruisk) por­tals.

    It is the web­sites’ own­ers (indi­vid­u­als or com­pa­nies) that are to be held liable. In case of Belarus Par­ti­san it is Svi­at­lana Kalink­i­na.

    Khomich wants each defen­dant to pay him 50,000 BYN. The offi­cial promis­es to donate the mon­ey to a local hos­pi­tal if the court decides in his favor.

    Svi­at­lana Kalink­i­na, Belarus Par­ti­san chief edi­tor,  told Nasha Niva that they were still think­ing about the strat­e­gy for fur­ther action:

    «Yes, Khomich filed a claim against us. I can’t yet say what we are going to do. We’ll go to court if we have to.»

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