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  • Sports journo Alyaksandr Ivulin to stand trial in mid January

    The case of Alyaksandr Ivulin, a journalist at the sports media outlet Tribuna and a football player of Krumkachy team, is starting to be heard on January 17 in Savetski district court of Minsk, tribuna.com reports. The defendant has been behind bars for about seven months.

    The tri­al is to be con­duct­ed by judge Syarhei Shat­si­la.

    Ivulin was detained in ear­ly June in Min­sk. After spend­ing 30 days in the noto­ri­ous deten­tion cen­tre on Akrestsin Street, he was not released.

    Notably, dur­ing Alyaksandr’s being in ‘Akrestsin’, food parcels were not being hand­ed over to pris­on­ers; they might be deprived of mat­tress­es and pil­lows; in most cas­es, inmates were tak­en out of the cells only when hand­cuffed and with their hands raised behind their backs. On the night of July 10, the jour­nal­ist was placed in remand prison Nr 1, where the con­fine­ment con­di­tions were report­ed to be bet­ter: inmates get mat­tress­es and bed­sheets, they even have a chance to take a show­er or watch TV.

    Lat­er, the arrestee charged under Part 1 of Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code (‘organ­i­sa­tion and prepa­ra­tion of actions that gross­ly vio­late pub­lic order’). Accord­ing to the Belaru­sian author­i­ties, they have pho­tos of Alyak­san­dr going down the road­way dur­ing the protests, which gave ground for accus­ing him of ‘block­ing off traf­fic’. The max­i­mum pun­ish­ment under the arti­cle is three years in jail.

    The Belaru­sian human rights com­mu­ni­ty recog­nised Alyak­san­dr Ivulin as a polit­i­cal pris­on­er.


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