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  • Statement Publishers Council of the Local Newspaper Association in support of Belarusian colleagues

     Statement Publishers Council of the Local Newspaper Association in support of Belarusian colleagues



    Dozens of peo­ple in cus­tody and pris­ons. Jour­nal­ists behind bars. Police bru­tal­ly attacks Belaru­sian pro­test­ers, even in small­est towns. Even though it is time of pan­dem­ic, elec­tions and hol­i­days, we can­not be indif­fer­ent to what is hap­pen­ing behind our east­ern bor­der. They need our sup­port and sol­i­dar­i­ty like nev­er before. They fight for dig­ni­ty and they are long­ing for free­dom. 

    The Pub­lish­ers Coun­cil of the Local News­pa­per Asso­ci­a­tion.

    War­saw, 25.06. 2020

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