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  • Translator Volha Kalatskaya suspected under Article 342, again

    The Investigative Committee reversed its decision to drop the charges under Article 342 "Organizing and preparing activities that breach public order or active participation in them" against translator Volha Kalatskaya. Ms. Kalatskaya will be prosecuted again.

    She is currently serving a two-year sentence of probation.

    Vol­ha Kalatskaya was arrest­ed in Jan­u­ary 2021 as a sus­pect under Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code ( «Orga­niz­ing and prepar­ing activ­i­ties that breach pub­lic order or active par­tic­i­pa­tion in them»). Lat­er she was accused of gross mis­con­duct (Arti­cle 339 of the Crim­i­nal Code) — alleged­ly she slapped Hry­ho­ry Azaron­ak, a state STV reporter, dur­ing one of the protest actions.  Vol­ha spent a few months before the tri­al in jail.

    In March 2021, her case was heard by the Frun­zen­s­ki dis­trict court of Min­sk. Azaron­ak stat­ed in court that he had not report­ed Kalatskaya to the police and did not think he had been insult­ed: «I for­got abot that right away. But the infa­mous Telegram chan­nel post­ed it for every­one to enjoy — and the enforce­ment agen­cies got their act togeth­er.

    I peti­tioned for stop­ping the crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion, and insist­ed on drop­ping the charges. I still think this is the right thing to do.»

    As a result, Judge Ala Sku­ra­tovich pun­ished Vol­ha Kalatskaya with two years of restrict­ed free­dom served at home (sim­i­lar to pro­ba­tion).

    She trans­lat­ed into Belaru­sian dozens of movies, series and books, includ­ing the works of Vir­ginia Wolfe, Ten­nessee Williams, William Gold­ing, Paul Auster, Tony Par­sons, Arthur Gold­en, and oth­ers.

    PEN Amer­i­ca and the famous Cana­di­an author Mar­garet Atwood demand­ed her imme­di­ate release fol­low­ing her arrest in Jan­u­ary.

    Vol­ha Kalatskaya lives in Min­sk with her 90-year-old moth­er, who needs care and assis­tance with her every­day rou­tine.

    «Пад пагрозай галадоўкі дамагліся, каб на камеру выдалі сродкі ад вошаў». Перакладчыца Вольга Калацкая пра турму і свабоду

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