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  • TUT.BY journalist Adaria Hushtyn was released after interrogation

    The Department of Financial Investigations is interrogating journalist Adaria Hushtyn. She is a witness in the case against the leadership of TUT.BY.

    After 20:00 the interrogation ended, the journalist was released.

    On May 19, the apart­ment where Hushtyn lives with her hus­band, chief edi­tor NN.BY Yahor Martsi­novich, was searched. Both jour­nal­ists, as well as their lawyer, were request­ed to sign a non-dis­clo­sure notice.

    Martsi­novich only said that the search was not relat­ed to the activ­i­ties of NN.BY. The police seized all the dig­i­tal equip­ment from the apart­ment.

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