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  • Two Persons Detained as Suspects in Attacking BT Building

    On the evening of June 13, two activists of anarchy movement were detained in Minsk, reported the Human Rights Center Viasna. According to preliminary information, they are suspected of having thrown red paint at the doors of the Belarusian TV and Radio Company.

    The Anar­chist Black Cross report­ed about the deten­tion on their web­site; the don’t deny their involve­ment in the action.

    On June 9, three masked men threw bulbs filled with paint at the build­ing of the state-run Belaru­sian Tele­vi­sion and Radio Com­pa­ny (BT). Lat­er, the Belaru­sian anar­chist move­ment pub­lished the video of their protest against the ‘pro­pa­gan­dists who help the regime to com­mit crimes’.

    Vias­na pro­vide infor­ma­tion that a crim­i­nal case has been ini­ti­at­ed accord­ing to art. 339 part 2 of the Crim­i­nal Code (hooli­gan­ism com­mit­ted repeat­ed­ly or by a group of peo­ple). The arti­cle envis­ages an arrest up to 6 months or free­dom restric­tion up to 6 years.

    The BT rep­re­sen­ta­tives called the inci­dent “an act of con­tem­po­rary art” and promised to pub­li­cize “the names of the hooli­gans, their teach­ers and edu­ca­tion­al estab­lish­ments” in the crim­i­nal chron­i­cle pro­gram Zona X.

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