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  • Ukrainian Journalist Mykola Balaban Detained in Belarus

    Mikola Balaban, Ukrainian journalist and founder of the The Village Ukraine, who came to Minsk for Media Management and IT Forum, was detained in Minsk.

    The police knocked on the journalist’s hotel room ear­ly in the morn­ing and took him to a police sta­tion. Lat­er the jour­nal­ist was released. The Forum orga­niz­ers called the inci­dent a mis­un­der­stand­ing.

    Lat­er the jour­nal­ist explained, the police mis­took him for his name­sake. There is anoth­er Myko­la Bal­a­ban in Ukraine, the author of Inform­na­palm web­site, which reveals the Russ­ian aggres­sion in Ukraine.

    After 6 hours spent in a police sta­tion, the jour­nal­ist was let go.


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