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  • Valeria Ulasik charges under administrative case, apartment search

    In the morning, the police knocked on the doors of BAJ member Valeria Ulasik. They searched her apartment. She is a suspect in an administrative case.

    During the search the police seized cell phones, two laptops and flash drives.

    Her mother, TUT.BY editor Halina Ulasik is not detained. She is talking to a lawyer after the search. Valeria Ulasik is also a journalist, and works in PR sphere.

    This morn­ing, the police tried to break into the apart­ment of one of TUT.BY edi­tors Hali­na Ulasik. Lat­er, we lost con­tact with her.

    in the morn­ing, some­one kept knock­ing and ring­ing on her door, but she was not expect­ing any­one, and did not open. Neigh­bors told her that they had seen three men in bal­a­clavas near the apart­ment block.

    Then the door­bell rang again.  This time, the police offi­cers had a search war­rant.

    The police announced that a crim­i­nal case had been insti­gat­ed and entered the apart­ment.

    Valery Ulasik was detained by the police. She is charged under Art. 23.34 of the Code of Admin­is­tra­tive Offences (vio­la­tion of the order of orga­niz­ing or hold­ing mass events).

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