Valeryia Kastsiuhova and Tatsiana Kuzina sentenced to 10 years in prison
Беларуская асацыяцыя журналістаў
On 17 March, Minsk City Court supported the prosecutor's request and sentenced media expert Valeryia Kastsiuhova and public administration manager Tatsiana Kuzina to 10 years in a general-regime correctional facility. The trial was held behind closed doors.
The defenders were charged with conspiracy to seize state power, encouraging sanctions, and incitement of hatred.
Valeryia Kastsiuhova is a political observer and consultant, editor of the expert community website Nashe Mneniye. She was detained on 30 June 2021.
Tatyana Kuzina is an independent expert in public administration, co-founder of the Sympa School for Young Managers of Public Administration. She was detained on 29 June 2021 at Minsk airport.
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