Viktar Malisheuski appointed new editor-in-chief
Аўтар для Беларускай асацыяцыі журналістаў
In an unusual utopian column, media announced that Viktar Malisheuski, a well-known Belarusian journalist, became the new editor-in-chief of the publication.
In the editorial, Malisheuski promises changes on the site, however, the team will retain its style and positive agenda.
Viktar Malisheuski has a 28-year experience as a journalist. For ten years, he acted as deputy editor-in-chief at Komsomolskaya Pravda. He consulted on various media projects and proved himself as a successful blogger. At different times, he worked as editor-in-chief at Euroradio, editor at Office.Life, and communications director at Alfa-Bank.
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