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  • Website Editor Fined for an Article about an Action

    The Maladzechna district court found an editor of the regional website guilty for violating the law on mass events by publishing an article.

    Svi­at­lana Tsishko, the edi­tor of the web­site Kraj.by, was fined for 20 b.a. (460 BYN) for vio­lat­ing the pro­ce­dure for orga­niz­ing or hold­ing mass events (art. 23.34).

    The judge inter­pret­ed the journalist’s arti­cle as if she had been invit­ing peo­ple to join the unsanc­tioned event.

    “It was a usu­al infor­ma­tion note about how the town pre­pares for the action – on its eve, the cen­ter was sur­round­ed by a met­al fence,” says the edi­tor. “I assigned a jour­nal­ist to check infor­ma­tion about the action, to find out if it had been allowed or not.”

    The hear­ing took 20 min­utes. The lawyer insist­ed that the case lacked crime com­po­nents.

    “I am shocked by the deci­sion. I did not expect that a jour­nal­ist could be hold liable for dis­tri­b­u­tion of ordi­nary infor­ma­tion. Besides, the fine of 20 basic amounts (over 240$) is quite a big sum for me, a sin­gle moth­er with an under-age child. It’s a big sum for Mal­adzech­na.”

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