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  • Wife of political prisoner Ihar Losik: «They organized a torture chamber for my husband»

    The wife of political prisoner Ihar Losik told the media about the conditions of her husband's incarceration in Zhodzina jail. Daria Losik is sure that the jail administration is deliberately creating unbearable conditions for Ihar in the hope to break him and make him incriminate himself and other people. RFE/RL published a video with Daria's story in its Telegram channel.

    — My hus­band Ihar Losik is a  con­sul­tant of RFE/RL. He was arrest­ed on June 25 near home in Baranavichy. Since then nei­ther I, nor our daugh­ter Pauli­na, who has­n’t turned 2 yet, nor his par­ents were able to see him, — says Daria.

    She believes, the jail admin­is­tra­tion «con­scious­ly cre­ates inhu­man con­di­tions» for her hus­band: they trans­fer him from one cell to anoth­er, deprive him of let­ters and news­pa­pers, put him in a cell with a per­son with head lice, keep him in the base­ment, in a tiny cell, where it is impos­si­ble to even make a few steps.

    — Let me be blunt about that — they cre­at­ed a tor­ture cham­ber for my hus­band and our daugh­ter’s father, hav­ing put him in pret­ty beast­ly con­di­tions.

    Daria is sure they will not man­age to wear her hus­band down and he will not bear false wit­ness against him­self or oth­ers.

    — You will not achieve your goal by increas­ing pres­sure on Ihar. But you can over­shoot the mark — empha­sizes Daria Losik.

    Daria addressed the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee, the Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor’s office, and the Main Depart­ment for Com­bat­ing Orga­nized Crime urg­ing them to stop pres­sure on her hus­band,  to release him and stop humil­i­at­ing him and their fam­i­ly.

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