Will the Case of Zavadski Be Buried in Archives? (+ Statement)
BAJ Statement: 15 Years since Abduction of Dzmitry Zavadski
Today is 15 years since the tragic day when our colleague, member of BAJ Dmitry Zavadski disappeared in unclarified circumstances.
For all these years, law enforcement agencies have not found answers to the questions: who was mastermind and implementer of the crime, what really happened to Dzmitry, where to find his traces?
Relatives, close friends, other citizens stay unaware of what has happened to him, as well as to other journalists who died in mysterious circumstances.
The criminal investigation into the abduction of Dzmitry Zavadski has been repeatedly suspended, but with zero results.
The public association Belarusian Association of Journalists demands that competent law enforcement agencies hold full investigation into all circumstances of the journalist’s disappearance.
We call on representatives of the civil society to keep an eye on the case of Dzmitry Zavadski until the authorities reveal the whole truth about this crime, until names of perpetrators are revealed.
Adopted by the Board of BAJ
July 7, 2015