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  • Women in front!

    UN Member states acknowledged in the 1995 Beijing platform the important role media plays in shaping the public’s perception of women in society and their role in the advancement of women, but recent studies highlight how little progress has been made and the continued use of gender-based stereotypes in the media. 

    Women usu­al­ly make up more than half of all jour­nal­ism stu­dents. How­ev­er, they rep­re­sent less than half of the media work force, strug­gle to reach lead­ing posi­tions, and com­prise the major­i­ty of those in pre­car­i­ous jobs with low­er wages. They also tend to report on few­er top­ics relat­ed to pol­i­tics and eco­nom­ics, instead cov­er­ing health and edu­ca­tion and so-called soft news issues. In addi­tion, they are  increas­ing­ly the tar­gets of cybervi­o­lence.

    Gen­der equal­i­ty IS a union issue. The role that female col­leagues should play in the media, as well as their pres­ence in our own organ­i­sa­tions must form part of what we call “the future of jour­nal­ism”.

    This year’s cam­paign around the 8th of March is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the IFJ and its mem­bers to demon­strate how women can over­come these obsta­cles, to show­case wom­en’s suc­cess­es in the media  world and in our labour unions.

    Let’s make women more vis­i­ble in our media and our unions!

    Our cam­paign also denounces the asso­ci­at­ed dis­crim­i­na­tion that women face – from issues of equal pay and lack of job secu­ri­ty to biased recruit­ment process­es.

    It will fea­ture data, sto­ries and tips to make fun­da­men­tal changes and see more women in senior roles or in par­tic­u­lar types of report­ing.

    Did you know that…



    IFJ — 8 March Info­graph­ics


    Take action!

    • Organ­ise an event (a protest, a dis­cus­sion, a report, a sur­vey, a leaflet) in your  coun­try or region around 8th March – the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less! We can help with ideas, graph­ics and more.

    • Share

    • Share our visu­als and info­graph­ics for the cam­paign using #8March #Women­Now

    • Tes­ti­mo­ni­als

    • Share our tes­ti­mo­ni­als focus­ing on both the dis­crim­i­na­tion faced and on how women have over­come such gen­der bias.

    • Good prac­tices

    • Send us any report/survey/statistics high­light­ing these issues in your coun­try or region. You can send them to communications@ifj.org

    • Help us col­lect tes­ti­mo­ni­als

    • Are you a woman jour­nal­ist lead­ing a media organ­i­sa­tion? We want to know your expe­ri­ence! Con­tact us on communications@ifj.org.

    You can also fol­low us on:




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