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  • Mahiliou Journalist Fined for Story about Belarus’ Chief Ideologist

    Bialynichy District Court imposed a penalty on Mahiliou journalist Darya Chultsova  for a video story about the newly appointed Belarus' chief ideologist Andrei Kuntsevych that she had allegedly made for Belsat TV channel.

    Judge Valiantsi­na Paula­va ruled to fine the reporter 20 basic units (510 BYN) under Art 22.9 part 2 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code — «ille­gal pro­duc­tion of media prod­ucts.»

    Darya learned that the court hear­ing had already tak­en place only on Octo­ber 23, when she received the court rul­ing by mail.  Accord­ing to the jour­nal­ist, she was not warned about the date and time of the court hear­ing.

    The court rul­ing is dat­ed Octo­ber 18.

    Chultso­va says she will appeal against the deci­sion to Mahil­iou Region­al Court, as she believes she has­n’t infringed the law.

    The fine had to do with the sto­ry broad­cast by Bel­sat TV on August 22, 2019 under the title «Belarus’ New Chief Ide­ol­o­gist Andrei Kuntce­vich. The Man Like­ly to Lead Young Peo­ple».

    Chultso­va’s case was to be heard by Bia­lyn­ichi dis­trict court on Sep­tem­ber 26, but was post­poned . Then, due to numer­ous inac­cu­ra­cies in the police report, judge Aksana Zahorskaya post­poned the hear­ing to give Bia­lyn­ichy police time to revise the case mate­ri­als. 

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