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    The 2021 Front Line Defenders Online Award Ceremony


    About this event

    Join us in hon­our­ing the six region­al win­ners of the 2021 Front Line Defend­ers Award Cer­e­mo­ny, on 9 Decem­ber at 10 AM (GMT).* On the occa­sion of Inter­na­tion­al Human Rights Defend­ers Day, this event will cel­e­brate the work and resilience of six coura­geous human rights defend­ers. 

    Due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, this year’s Award Cer­e­mo­ny will be a video pre­sen­ta­tion of the work of each of the region­al lau­re­ates and will be held online and streamed via the Front Line Defend­ers YouTube chan­nel and Face­book page.

    The annu­al Front Line Defend­ers Award for Human Rights Defend­ers at Risk was estab­lished in 2005 to hon­our the work of human rights defend­ers (HRDs) who are mak­ing out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions to the defence and advance­ment of the human rights of oth­ers, often at great per­son­al risk to them­selves. In 2021, Front Line Defend­ers took the deci­sion to rec­og­nize each region­al award win­ner equal­ly.

    In 2021, the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic con­tin­ued to be exploit­ed by repres­sive gov­ern­ments to attack human rights defend­ers and close down the space in which they can car­ry out their work. As Front Line Defend­ers cel­e­brates its 20th anniver­sary in 2021, the need to con­tin­ue sup­port­ing HRDs with their secu­ri­ty, pro­tec­tion and well-being is as impor­tant as ever

    “On the 20th anniver­sary of the estab­lish­ment of Front Line Defend­ers, we are thrilled to present these 6 Award win­ners who are on the front lines of strug­gles for racial and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice, equal rights and free­dom,” said Front Line Defend­ers Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Andrew Ander­son.

    *The event will be avail­able on our social media chan­nels and web­site after 1 AM GMT on Dec 9th and can be viewed at any time there­after.

    The 2021 Front Line Defend­ers Region­al Award Win­ners are:


    Ami­na­ta Fab­ba, Sier­ra Leone

    Ami­na­ta Fab­ba is the Chair of the Malen Affect­ed Land Own­ers Asso­ci­a­tion (MALOA), a farmer and a grass­roots land rights defend­er in the south­ern provin­cial dis­trict of Puje­hun. MALOA is a com­mu­ni­ty move­ment resist­ing SOCFIN and oth­er bio­fu­el cop­ma­nies in Sier­ra Leone.

    Find out more HERE



    Cami­la Mora­dia, Brazil

    Cami­la Mora­dia was born in a place known as Gro­ta, in the group of fave­las that make up the Com­plexo do Alemão. In 2010, with the removal of the «Favelin­ha da Skol», Cami­la became one of the lead­ers of the fight for hous­ing in the Alemão com­plex and start­ed to give voice to 1,300 fam­i­lies.

    Find out more HERE



    Moth­er Nature Cam­bo­dia, Cam­bo­dia

    Moth­er Nature Cam­bo­dia is an envi­ron­men­tal rights move­ment that advo­cates and cam­paigns local­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly for the preser­va­tion, pro­mo­tion and pro­tec­tion of Cam­bo­di­a’s nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. As part of their work, the move­ment mon­i­tors and chal­lenges gross envi­ron­men­tal vio­la­tions and also rais­es aware­ness, edu­cates and empow­ers peo­ple by pro­vid­ing them with train­ing and finan­cial sup­port.

    Find out more HERE


    Europe & Cen­tral Asia

    Siarhei Draz­dous­ki & Aleh Hrableus­ki, Belarus

    Siarhei Draz­dous­ki is the Founder and Direc­tor of the Office for the Rights of Per­sons with Dis­abil­i­ties, where Aleh Hrableus­ki works as a lawyer. he Office for the Rights of Per­sons with Dis­abil­i­ties is a promi­nent and lead­ing Belaru­sian human rights organ­i­sa­tion that works for per­sons with dis­abil­i­ties.

    Find out more HERE


    Europe & Cen­tral Asia

    Mamadou Ba, Por­tu­gal

    Born in Sene­gal, and an immi­grant to Por­tu­gal, Mamadou Ba has ded­i­cat­ed his life to anti-racist activism. He has been mem­ber of the SOS Racis­mo Move­ment since 1999 and is a found­ing mem­ber of sev­er­al nation­al and Euro­pean organ­i­sa­tions defend­ing the rights of migrants and racial­ized peo­ple

    Find out more HERE


    Mid­dle East & North Africa

    Sami & Samee­ha, Pales­tine

    The South Hebron Hills region is one of the most dan­ger­ous areas for Pales­tini­ans in the West Bank, with some of the most extrem­ist Israeli set­tle­ments locat­ed in the area. Sami and Samee­ha Hurai­ni and their oth­er activists in the Youth of Sumud move­ment escort shep­herds and school chil­dren under threat of attacks by Israeli set­tlers and sol­diers. Same­ha also organ­is­es activ­i­ties for women in her vil­lage

    Find out more HERE

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