Apply for a European cross-border grant by 20 November
Investigative journalists from across Europe who are planning a transnational collaborative story are invited to apply for a working grant. Teams consisting of at least two journalists from different European countries can apply for research grants for a cross-border story until Monday 20 November 2017 at 11.59 pm Brussels time. This is the only remaining deadline in 2017 for the cross-border grants.
The aim of is to promote quality journalism in Europe by giving journalists the chance to carry out journalistic research projects. will support professional journalists, who have good ideas for cross-border research and for research on European affairs. The stories must be relevant for European target groups.
The project should be one that, in principle, could not be realised in this format within the remit of regular journalism – a project that can include cross-border research, networking between colleagues, established and innovative investigative methods and that is at the same time original, innovative and intensive. supports costs related to journalistic research for all media. This can include travel, translation, access to pay-databases or simply time to research. We do not support fixed costs such as office costs, investments such as cameras or computers or production costs.